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Meet Deborah Pickett
We live in a world full of complexity and endless possibilities. As a community, we must embrace this challenge and work together. Deborah’s story serves as a prime example of this pursuit. Ms. Pickett proudly served in the U.S. Army Reserve, researched international trade and economic issues for the Hudson Institute, and has been a tenacious advocate for Hoosiers of all generations. Her admiration for Hoosier’s innovative spirit and hard work make her an unwavering advocate for the people of the 5th District.
In partnership with the people of Indiana, Ms. Pickett will lead the charge for smart policy, effective and efficient government, and helping the people of Indiana help themselves. She believes that the people of Indiana know the best and most workable solutions for themselves and their families, and they deserve to be at the forefront of the decision-making process. Ms. Pickett looks forward to engaging with and listening to the amazing people of Indiana!

“What drives innovation, boosts the economy, and creates job opportunities? The freedom to pursue your passions and lead the life you desire. The right to marry the person you love and the responsibility to have control over your reproductive health. A well functioning government bound by principles, laws and a regulatory framework that ensures fair treatment and justice for all. A government dedicated to honoring its responsibilities to its citizens without gamesmanship and on time. An educational system designed to teach fundamental skills and impart knowledge foundational for a life of learning and self-improvement. An educational system dedicated to training and rewarding its teachers for making us all better and more productive citizens. Commitments to cleaner air, water, and soil for improved health. National security, stability, and global peace. A shared commitment by all of us to respect and honor the system that is the source of our United States’ greatness and prosperity. All of these factors allow residents of Indiana to thrive and build robust communities and a strong nation.”